

2019-11-13 18:14
场强仪器通常是指用于测试场强的仪器。 场强仪的大小是V / m的单位,其包含长度单位m。 原则上,电平表(或电压表)测量仪器输入端口的电压,而场强仪(或电位)测量的电压是天线在空气中某一点引起的电压。 严格来说,场强仪由电平表和天线组成。    它主要用于测量高压输变电系统,配电室,感应炉,地铁,电动机车,医疗设备,烘干设备,计算机等具有电磁辐射作业场所的电场强度。可供劳动保护,职业病防治,环境检测,环境卫生等工作。

Field Strength Instrument is usually used to test the field strength of the instrument. The size of the field strength meter is a unit of V / M, which contains the unit of length m. In principle, a level meter (or voltmeter) measures the voltage at the input port of the instrument, while a field strength meter (or potential) measures the voltage at a point in the air caused by the antenna. Strictly speaking, the field strength meter consists of a level meter and an antenna. It is mainly used to measure the electric field intensity of high-voltage transmission and transformation system, distribution room, induction furnace, subway, electric locomotive, medical equipment, drying equipment, computer, etc. . For Labor protection, Occupational Disease Prevention and treatment, environmental testing, environmental health and other work.